In this MicroLesson (ML020), you’ll learn how to play a classic R&B style rhythm on guitar. I’ll show you an easy to remember box for playing blues lead fill licks along with the rhythm part.
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Hi Brian many thanks for your time and efforts to help us along are blues journey much appreciated all the best glyn
Another great MicroLesson full of little take-aways which can be applied to any blues – like spicing-up the rhythm by slipping in the four for a beat when playing each of the chords in the 1,V1,V progression; and always resolving the lead licks on the chord being played.
Thanks for another gem of a lesson Brian.
nice one. Love these micros
Goodonya Brian,
So simple, so easy. Thanks, mate.
Michael J.
Enjoying these micro lessons……..Brian could you please add an mp3 to these that we could practice to? Maybe have it loop 5 or 6 times-that would be great……..
This one is very useful. Thank you Brian.
another eye opener packed in a micro lesson….great theory lesson for me
Great Sound and lesson – You’re working wonders here Brian – Tks again – Eddie
Nice, Magic Sam, “That’s All I Need,” thanks again, Brian!
Another great one for sure. And if I followed a friends advice of “if it sounds good, it is good. Don’t fuss the details”, I’d just use it. However I like understanding some theory. I am trying to figure out how playing in E what scale (or maybe it’s a mode?) you are using that ends up with the D note as a blue note? I initially thought major pentatonic, but that Blues note is G. Then I thought mixolydian since b7 is D, but I don’t know if mixolydian has a blue note. Thanks for you assistance.
Super, very good lesson, thanks Brian
Thanks Brain ,
I’ve just started with AM and have a long way to go on my guitar journey but I’ve enjoyed this micro lessen, getting so many take-aways to keep me busy.
Malcolm 🙂
had to chuckle when I said “cute”
really like this one
great playing as always
wow! 1-21-25 Tuesday in Japan