In this lesson series, I’ll show you several rhythm guitar techniques that I’ve learned and used over the years to make your rhythm playing a little more interesting. A lot of people assume that rhythm has to consist of a lot of heavy strumming, but that’s not the case at all. I think a really good rhythm player knows how to create complimentary sounds to what the band is doing, and some times that means either playing very minimal, or not playing at all. Hopefully you’ll be able to incorporate a few of these rhythm guitar licks into your playing and will enjoy them as much as I have.
Part 1 - Rhythm Guitar Techniques in the Key of G
Part 2 - Rhythm Guitar Techniques in the Key of G
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Part 3 - Rhythm Guitar Techniques in the Key of G
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error to download the tabs
Yep same error cannot download tablature although jam track downloaded ok.
Other videos no problem with Tabs.
Sorry guys, I fixed this - you can now download the tab.
Hi Brian , after 12.06 the first video is blank until the ending at 19.20, otherwise thanks for a great lesson.
lesson dove tails nicely with things i am working on improving at now! thanks
Downloaded tabs however both parts 1 and 2 are incomplete showing 1 line each
Hi Brian. Really love the whole concept of the site.
Don’t seem to be able to download anything though - all I get is ‘cant download this file’ message - don’t have a clue why.
I had downloading problems in past until i began to use chrome. i’ve had touble in the past (professionally) with different browsers handling pdf or zip files in a manner different than was expected (particularly on windows)
Hey Brian,
Great lesson. FYI, I could not download the jam track or the tabs from my iPad
Thanks for the awesome site. Just purchased the blues lesson. Can’t wait to get started.
Hi Brian
Great lesson but I think your TAB pdf for the first part seems incorrect showing no repeat on first bar on 3 or the 5th fret move. Brilliant video though which talks it through.
You can download to your iPad if you use a free app called iZip - it lets you unzip these files (they are in zip format) - then it will work.
Does anyone know of any problem which would prevent me from downloading this tab and jamtrack? I have downloaded two other tabs in the past OK. I use Vista with IE 9 and have added this site to the trusted ones. I would appreciate any suggestions which might help.
I downloaded the tab but parts 1 and 2 are only one line each. Is that correct?
Hi Brian.
Great lessons - I love them.
Anyway, why are your PDF-files not complete compared to your video lesson?
There are missing half of the tabs.
Greetings from the “cold” Denmark
@dkbrinkel - it’s all there - I just split them into 3 PDF files. All of the notes are there though. Each PDF file represents each of the 3 videos above. I thought this would make it easier.
Have another really newbie question - as a complete beginner to learning the scales to use to solo, can someone point out the scales I would use to add to this arrangement? Some of the chords are using frets 3, 5, 7, 9 and then frets 8, 10 and 11 are added - I know there’s a connection of scale boxes that it is using but can’t seem to figure out how to tell which ones could be used that would complement these chords.
Any ideas would help…
I see that now - feel silly that I asked the question - all I had to do was actually look at the tab while viewing the video to see that it’s all there 🙂
I guess since the piece is in the key of G I would use the G minor and major pentatonic scales?
Judy, webcert is correct. The song is in the key of G, so if you want it to sound bluesy, you can play the G minor pentatonic scale, and if you want it to sound more happy, you could play the G major pentatonic scale.
Thanks bucket - installing Chrome did the trick - I really didn’t believe it would work. But it does, beautifully.
Hi Brian CAn’t see video here.. is that some activeX?
Still can not down load tabs I’m getting error
Brian - I think it’s super helpful that you’ve got jam tracks for each lesson. It makes it much easier to try to put to use what you’ve been showing us. Many other sites have generic jam tracks, but this is a more practical way to try this stuff out & see how it actually works within the chord progression. It is also a good way to see how to modify & play around with the lesson material. Thanks a bunch!
Quick question on this lesson.
If this is more appropriate in the forum just let me know.
In playing the finger plucks on the A and D I get really muted sound. I don’t have finger picks or finger nails. Is it my technique or because I am using my finger pads?
Enjoy the lesson! Keep it up.