Although Lightnin’ Hopkins was best known for playing fingerstyle guitar, this lesson is a series of Lightnin’ Hopkins guitar licks, played with a pick on acoustic guitar (although you could do this with electric as well). This 2 part lesson works well on it’s own, with no accompaniment and can be played by beginners, intermediate, or advanced players.
Part 1
Part 2 (For Premium Members)
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Slow Walk-Through (For Premium Members)
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beautiful lesson
Great lesson. Started playing about 9 months ago. using your lessons Fantastic job Brian.
Would love the software for this one.
Another keeper. Thank you for using the pick.
Yes, acoustic blues with a pick once a month or I’m cancelling my subscription!! Just kidding…..(?)
The Lightning Hopkins run in part 2 is the coolest combination of major and minor pentatonic in the same lick. Thanks for teaching that one.
As always another Great lesson..thank you very much!
It is now a toss up: “Winter Blues”, or “Lightnin’ Hopkins’ Style Acoustic”. Not sure which one I am diggin’ more! Thanks for the great lessons.
I love it!
Thanx Sir Brian, another great lesson! A fun tune to play.
nice to play
Thanks Brian, love acoustic with pick. keep the acoustic coming!!!
My second comment after learning this.
One of your better lessons. My only complaint is that it was too easy for me. I wanted to be challenged more. I’m learning alot Brian and really progressing. I know you have time constraints and can’t do three lessons a week, beginner , intermdiate advanced. And I’m sure you are working different levels into each lesson. I am just suggesting you try to find more ways to up the game for those of us who have been grinding on your lessons for over a year now.
I am with Doug!
Brian, I really like the changes you have made in the basic lesson dynamic.
More precise, to the point, more relevant exchange reflects lesson at hand, as well as hastily presented, but not rushed.
I believe you have found the “magic formula”,
Thanks for all you do…
This is a great quick win tune and I think your combination of providing both challenging and simpler lessons are great to move between. I’ve only been premium for a month so have loads of your ‘back catalogue’ to explore.
I now like to check out your new weekly lessons to pick those I need and they are all fun to learn and play; it’s just some take longer than others, great stuff!
Thanks Brian, but please don’t make your lessons more difficult as someone suggested. I’m betting most students are happy just the way they are!
Agree with that one Lance and keep up the great work Brian.
As long as you don’t stop doing the fingerstyle lessons I’m happy!
Sorry I forgot to mention, I love the lesson and enjoyed the video you posted on Facebook
Very nice
I agree with Lance, we don’t need more difficult lessons. I’ve been a premium member for over a year, and I still get something useful out of every single lesson. I find some of them to be fairly easy, and some very difficult, but most of them - like this one - are just right. That’s why Brian’s lessons are getting ever more popular.
It may be that the lessons are getting a little easier because of the past lessons.
Great job Brian.
I think if the lessons were any more difficult,it would put people off,especially newcomers.Maybe Brian could play a small piece apart from the main lesson without breaking it down and people like doug who are doing so well and now need more of a challenge can work it out by themselves.This might go someway to keeping everyone happy. What does anybody else think?
Thanks Brian.
Your lessons are amazing!!.
I enjoy them a lot.
Great lesson Brian, playing in this style makes me feel like I’m really into the blues.
Really cool. Thanks! I
I found you can combine this lesson really nicely with the 12 bar blues lesson of EP049 so you got a longer piece to work with.
Thank you.
as allways ,clear and precise lessons , thanks brian
Hi Brian I have been with you a couple of years now, and learned so much about playing the blues in a variety of styles, some easy some hard but if you practise hard enough you get there in the end, thank you for all your efforts in producing these great lessons. Keep em coming.
Just discovered this one so a bit late to the party. Still, a great lesson and fun to play. Sure it’s on the easy side if you’ve been playing for awhile, but Brian has a whole catalog from which to choose. Besides you can always spice things up by adding or substituting licks in the major or minor pentatonic or even mixolydian if you’re knowledgeable enough. Keep ‘em coming at all levels Brian - you’re a treasure.
Really enjoy these Thursday throwback lessons.. Great intro about Lightnin’ Hopkins too.. I like playing this fingerstyle
What happened to the Tab?
Tab is there?
Great lesson really enjoying the learning
This lesson sold me on the Premium Membership. Great lesson by a great teacher on a well thought out website.
Another great lesson Brian. May I take this opportunity to wish you and all at Active Melody a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.