In this blues guitar lesson, you’ll learn how to play a lead part on electric guitar in the style of the great Buddy Guy. Buddy is famous for his stage presence and showmanship, but underneath all of that is an excellent blues guitar player who has influenced just about everyone. If you haven’t had a chance to see Buddy play live, be sure to check his calendar on his website and go see him, as of this writing, he’s 79 years old. He typically does a series of shows at his bar in Chicago in January or February each year and it’s always well worth the trip into the city.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walk-Through - For Premium Members
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Woo hoo! I love your site!
Another beauty….now here is one of those weeks where you get me in trouble Brian… I keep working my prior lessons or start this one that is awesome???? OK, I’ll do what I always do….start the new one too!! LOL
Thanks for the great work!
Good one Brian! I can’t wait to get this under my fingers! Thanks
Back in 1974 i picked up a copy of Hoodoo Man Blues, by Buddy Guy and Junior Wells. In a harvard blues store. Bruoght it home to the uk along with another dozen blues albums Muddy, Little Walter Howlin Wolf etc that set me off on the quest to become a blues player. I saw Buddy in London about 20 years ago . His band played an intro number for about 15 minutes wow what a band then Buddy came out and it was just terriffic. So I can certainly second Brians advice. Id love to see him in Chicago. And yes this is yet another must do Lesson!
thanks Brian
Awesome, I love this style. I hope you put out another Buddy Guy lead again!
Thanks Brian
Another great lesson thanks Brian. You’ve really nailed Buddy’s sound.
I think Buddy’s immense talent as a blues guitarist is seen at its best in “I Go by Feel” from his ‘Rhythm and Blues’ albumn. Check it out at if you are not familiar with it.
Hi Brian!
Great thing to bring out Buddy Guy and his style of playing blues. I really have much fun to practice this lessons.
If you really think to produce another Buddy Guy style lesson, maybe in the style of post war electric blues from the 50ies. Buddy Guy and also BB King have been playing in that time a completely different style as they do or did in the present.
Best regards
Very nice blues lesson! One little problem: I would like to download the MP3 files, but as soon as I click on download, the player starts. How can I download the MP3 files?
Try to RIGHT click on the “Download MP3” link and then choose “Save As..” to save the MP3 file to your hard drive. Or if you’re on a Mac, hold down the “Control” key and click.
Actually I’ve fixed this now so you should only need to click on the link to download it – shouldn’t have to right click any more.
It’s working again! Thanks!
Great lesson again! Just found out how good Soundslide is. Thank you Brian
Hi Brian
Just wondering what stings and gauge are you using on the MX Strat? What is your string of choice?
Ernie Ball Super Slinky 10 gauge
Broke a string!
Beautiful!!! A bit intimidated by it, but beautiful. Thanks Brian!
Great lesson!
Hey Brian,
What a holy wicked awesome lesson! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Yes, Brian you did it again !!! Fantastic Choice to teach a guitar tone (lesson) by Buddy Guy. I’ve waiting for it. Just keep pumping it out. And, as always I can see and hear
the soulful touch that you put in ALL these types of soulful blues lesson. I’m getting there or should I say that I’m almost there with that blues touch and feeling on guitar.
Awesome Lesson !!! THANKS So Much !!!
I am looking at EP116 and thinking …this is so cool
– thank you
Fantabulous choice!
I had the opportunity to see Buddy live here in Spain a couple of years ago, and he was terrific … out of the question not only one of the most influential guitar players of the last decades, but also an incredible showman.
I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to go on with the “No accompaniment” lessons (from time to time) .. I really enjoy them!!
BTW, the Funk rythm (and also the MK fingerstyle) lessons were also very interesting.
awesome fun with all the latest features.. haha the sound track and this incredible soundslice software!!!! definitely glad to be here!!! thank you all peace out John!
Might be my favorite lesson so far – great job Brian!
Again, you prove you are not only an accomplished guitarist, but a true teacher. You anticipate about any question, from gear to setup or adjustment of gear, through the back story, parting the lesson into reasonable parts or blocks, then show us how to build the structure with the blocks. I find your comments [on the “fly” if you will] on any component of lesson, such as bends, partial bends, tiny of long slides, whatever the case, the reasons that just a small half bend becomes huge when played in strategic method and order.
As I was listening to the entire main jam, I am sure I hear, and [remember this is Brian’s own Guy compilation] that so many others were influenced by Mr. Guy. I believe this lesson has many of the same sounds and almost melody as one of the solo’s I believe in one of The Doobie Brother’s songs, at first I thought it was South City Midnight Lady, but that’s not it, driving me nuts trying to remember what solo had the same “Guyish” type solo.
This is a fantastic lesson, and not a copy of anything except technique and feel. If anyone heard a Doobie Brother’s solo right along this same melody, please toss it out there.
By the way, in 2014 Mr.Guy, headlined along with the Doobie Brother’s at the Doheny Blues Festival. Couldn’t get there but that had to be incredible.
And for anyone just listening to the free lesson, I have no connections with ActiveMelody PERIOD, but If you are investing or thinking of investing in an online premium Guitar program, this is worth every penny and in my humble opinion, the value is multiples of the cost.
There are many good to great Teacher’s and programs out there, but there is not even a doubt ActiveMelody is absolutely one of the best, you cannot go wrong, except by NOT enrolling as a Premium member. It is such a small cost for so much diverse, understandable and well done sites on the entire Internet.
And I know there is a Doobie Brother solo, I should know it, and again if anyone knows which song might have that same bluesy with a touch of haunt solo, please comment. I suppose I will just have to go there all of the Doobie Brother’s songs, [probably like early 70s].
Not saying this is a copy of, it just reminded me and that slight haunt is very Doobie Brother like, great job Brian!
Overlooked this one but came back to it as it is the style i like stayed up all night doing the first half , what a belter can,t stop grinding my teeth on them big bends lol love the rhythm as well .The two lead section reminds reminds me of a Clapton or Haynes – Bonamassa jam out where they take turns to take the lead .
Hi Brian,
I thoroughly dnjoy the site. Just one question. You keep referring to going into the site and finding the “lesson” on major and minor pentatonics , and the various positions. which you refer to even in this Buddy Guy lesson.
I tried to find the lesson and could not.
Can you please identify how to find it?
Here’s the link to that lesson:
Great lesson!!! Buddy is one of a kind. Thanks Brian for nailing the tone and licks. I was waiting for a string to pop, but kept playing until, like you said, my fingers are starting to hurt, lol. I’ll keep jamming to this one!
Wow! The essence of Buddy Guy! As good as it gets for wannabe lessons! I am really impressed! Touchdown! Home run! yada yada yada
One more comment… I finally finished this one and I can honestly say it’s one of the best blues lessons on the planet! I would describe this (back in the day…) as the Cliff Notes on playing in the style of Buddy Guy. Would it be possible to do a BB King and an SRV?
By the way…
Basement and bedroom warriors! For practical purposes; in your spare time; if you want to get better… This site is about as good as it gets. Use it for free or make a contribution if it helps you get better.
Thanks John, as for BB, I’ve done a few BB King style lessons similar (and 1 SRV) – just do a search on the lessons page for “King” – and you’ll find the BB lessons.
Thanks Brian. …great lesson…..the blue’s is “good for what ails you”…..and yes i broke a string! 😊
Great lesson. I only discovered Buddy Guy recently and something about him immediately resonated with me – his voice and his playing which are both great. So I’m grateful for this lesson.
Very attractive study, thanks dear Brian.
One has to be ready in the head, to take it all in, otherwise…. Great lesson !
This is a great lesson!