In this lesson, you’ll learn how to play a blues guitar shuffle in the key of E, played using a hybrid picking technique. Hybrid picking is when you use a pick to play the lower (bass) strings and you use a finger on your right hand to play the higher strings, either playing a melody or harmony. The jam track comes in 2 tempos (there’s a slower version for those of you that are just starting this style).
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walk-Through - For Premium Members
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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Just landed home from Italy last night and I log on and find this beauty!! Thanks Brian for this welcome home present!!! Man do I have a ton of work to do between this and last week…..and thanks for doing a few “crunchier blues” lessons….
Another winner. I love getting as many fingers involved as possible. Thanks for all of your hard work Brian
Luv a challenge!
– Gampa Dug
Cannot access the first part Brian……… I’ve stated………..this could be and probably is my system but I can tell this is a bodaciously nice carryover concept and better than just an exercise following your cool hybrid lick you added a couple months ago in your Jimmy Rogers lesson!! Now……….if my computer would just cooperate!!
Jim C.
Hey Jim, I’ve sent you a private email – this is most likely due to having multiple tabs opened in your browser. Check my recommendations in my email and let me know if you still have issues.
Yep……that was most likely it, Brian……more than likely………..I’ve been eyeing a “latest/greatest” new computer system any way to hopefully handle this issue……….this laptop is an ancient 6 years old (Fred Flintstone probably let Bam Bam toy with it!) but again…….this is another one of Brian’s ‘turn about’ lessons……….listen to his first purpose on this lesson: Timing! Even more important than the hybrid style of playing or even the unique chord progression but it’s all one really cool package. I haven’t yet quite gone completely to using hybrid picking all the time but definitely should and it’s cool jams/lessons like this one that shall make me feel totally comfortable!!
Thanks, Brian!!
Jim C.
Great lesson, Brian. Love the ZZ Top sound.
Excellent lesson!
excellent,, started with the sound slice and man this software is unbelievably useful combined with watching your video I notice the fingering positions which of coarse matters ..makes all the difference getting the bar chord positions/shapes for this easy 12 bar delta blues progression in the key of E( bar chords hammer on/offs). cheers, john
Hey Brian, it keeps getting better and better, and yea I like the crunchier sound too. I’ve messed around with putting licks over top of a shuffle before, but without much success. This is going to do it for me…many thanks. BTW, the new and improved website is as clean and tight as your lessons.
great lesson. Got me off my lazy butt to practice both hybrid and palm muting. I need work on both.
What a great lesson.
And what a tone.
Thank you, thank you very much!
Hi Brian, love this lesson and the challenges you keep giving us with new techniques. Thanks!
Just wondering though, why you don’t use a thumb-pick for this style with the right hand? Wouldn’t that free up your pointer finger too?
Hey David, it would free up my pointer finger to use a thumb pick but I’ve never been able to use one – it just doesn’t feel natural. I explain that at one point in the video. If you can use a thumb pick you should give it a try. The other thing that’s nice (to me) about using a regular flat pick is that you can easily switch to playing lead if you need to.
Iv tried using a thumb pick it’s ok , but I prefer flat picking too.
I started smiling a few seconds into this lesson – that’s when I knew I was going to have to try to learn to play it- really good sound. Thanks Brian- Don’t know how you keep on coming up with ’em. Just try to “keep coming up with ’em”
Help! I can’t stop playing this.. oh no.. 🙂
Very cool lesson
Agree about not bothering with a thumb pick,I tried thumb picks and don’t care for them much as my own thumb .. freestyle and if i want a pick these ragtime blues, or anything I play.. it will be a heavy pick of preference (1.3mm) and certainly for hybrid picking,, hoping this helps those trying to figure out what’s best especially for beginners.
thank you so much for including information on your amplifier settings. I struggle with understanding the settings on my amp and it helps me a lot to hear what your settings are. I would love it if you mentioned your amp settings on all your electric tutorials.
Hi Brian .
I just came across this one yesterday . Fantastic mate . Can’t wait to get this one under my belt . Iv been in and out of the band scene for years but I never became a good guitarist till I started online lessons with you several years ago . You really are the best online guitar teacher that I have come across . So thank you so much Brian 😊👍🙏