In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll learn how to play a ragtime blues composition that’s played fingerstyle. You can do this one by yourself, no accompaniment is required. In addition to learning how to play the song, you’ll learn the 2 main thumb patterns used in fingerstyle compositions, and how they relate to the chords.
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walk-Through
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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I love this stuff! I have to get on this tomorrow! looks very fun and sure it is to learn too!
Absolutely Perfect. Such a happy feel, been waiting for Friday to come, so I can start learning this.
The last lesson and this one in that rag time feel I have always wondered how to play. Look forward to next Friday, you said there might be a guest, sweet fun.
I love it Brian you are my super hero
Great, Brian! I like that stuff.
Love this weeks lesson along with last weeks. Been trying this sort of stuff for quite a few weeks now so this will definitely consolidate what I have learnt so far
Thanks again Brian for your weekly efforts Brilliant
Thanks Brian,
Absolutely love it, beautiful.
Well, I have been trying, unsuccessfully on and off , for several weeks to play Mark Knopfler’s ‘Postcards from Paraquay’ . That is similar finger style pattern to your song. The problems I have is each time I think I’ve ‘cracked the code’ the sequence of high string melody notes relative to the low 3 strings differs greatly. It really is a listening to learn thing I have all but given up on, and then we get this lesson.
I’m going to give this my best then go back to Postcards and see if I can get it then !
Excellent !!!
Great stuff Brian. My project for this week. Thanks again.
Very useful stuff Brian thank you ..Should a guest appearance be held for the coming tercentenary of the EPs or are you planning a something else a little special to mark the achievement? Not long to wait and see.
Thanks Brian, this Ragtime fingerstyle is ‘right up my street’ It’ll be fun to learn and even greater fun to play.
Thank you Brian for providing the key to unlocking the Piedmont Blues, which I’ve tried on a number of occasions but had mostly given up on.
This is really great. It took me a long time to get decent at EP257 but I think all that struggle will really help me with this one. Can’t wait to give it a shot.
Thanks again
Oh-oh! New favorite!
Thanks Brian for this. I am by no means a proficient guitarist, but some lessons speak to me- “C’mon! YOU CAN DO THIS!” This is one of those.
I think the syncopation really helps my sense of rhythm which definitely needs work. Thanks again!
you can doooo ittt!
Ragtime! Two weeks on the bounce! Love your ragtime lessons Brian. Great feel to this piece too. Have been neglecting fingerstyle lately. Definitely time to dust off the digits and give this a bash 🙂
Thanks Brian. love this style!
I am so happy when you bring us these fingerstyle lessions. Wonderful tune. Thanks a million.
Great Finger Style Lesson Brian. Lots of fun to practice and play
Ray P
Great lesson Brian. Really find this ragtime stuff fun to learn.
Thanks again GeoffW.
top lesson Brian ! I was Lucky to just finish ep 202 wich was pretty hard, but now this is so much fun, thanks from Belgium
I am totally new here. Also a guitar beginner, but I can not stop trying and trying. Something is coming fine finally from my guitar! I love this version. Thanks a lot, Brian.
Great stuff, Brian. I noticed your long fingernails early in the video, glad you commented on them. Would you share more info on how you maintain the nails, if you try for a specific shape & why, as well as anything else you think would be important to know? Thanks.
I don’t really put much thought into them – just keep them longer for finger style. I don’t do anything special though.
Thanks Brian It seems easy but it’s so difficult for me to make a good sound of my guitar
Another winner Brian! You can read my mind I think.
Very nice lesson…really want to be able to do this! Is there a way to loop the tab viewer for more than one line of tab?
I’d like to loop about 12 bars if possible..
Thanks, Terry
I think I’ve got the thumb going OK, but my other fingers have two left feet.
Thanks for commenting about it being okay to play without a thumb pick or even long nails. For decades, I have sort of been critical of my finger style because of how clunky the thumb pick was, or that my nails were too thin and short. Now I realize that I can get the right volume level by using a little sound support technology. I have always enjoyed Travis style. Now I am reassured about it.
Oh yea!
Hi Brian
It’s a great number, but I am still having trouble perfecting it. The hammer from Bb to B coupled with the rest of the G6 progression is hard, but if I keep practicing, hopefully I will master it. I noticed you mentioned Tommy Emanuel – check out his brother Phil on YouTube. Phil passed away last year. Also have a look at a band called Goldrush with Phil playing lead and Tommy playing drums. It was a long time ago.
Wonderfull tkx a lot Brian !
This is just great stuff… it has a bit of “Oh Babe It Ain’t No Lie” – one of my favorites, especially when Garcia was playing the steel string. Keep it coming, Brian. You are the best
What a great ragtime classic and enjoyed following along!
Newly signed up. Brian, I was naturally drawn to your teaching style and philosophy. I really value the embeded theory, which you explain so well. Thank you for conveying relatively complex(for me!) stuff so clearly.
Ey Brian, Im really struggling with Barre Chords, I noticed you love them, but for me right now they are an stopper to continue learning
The G9#5 in this fits so well.. this is another favorite!
I made a January favorite list today.. I added four Key of C and they are fun practicing ,, I really like watching you play in the video intros because I hear more from your playing than jst rushing to the tabs..really like this one, reminds me of Chet Atkins , Tommy Emmanuel ! Great stuff!