In this blues guitar lesson I’ll show you how to play an acoustic lead guitar part. This is a follow-up to EP014, the acoustic fingerstyle blues guitar lesson, in which I’ll show you how to play the rhythm part to this song. This song is an original composition and sounds very similar to something you might have heard Eric Clapton play on his Unplugged album.
In the included jam tracks, I’ve included 2 versions. One version that has the rhythm guitar (so that you can practice this lead part), and one version that is missing the rhythm guitar, so that you can practice the fingerstyle rhythm composition mentioned above.
Eric Clapton Style Acoustic Lead Guitar Lesson
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Sorry, but there is no tablature.
Sure is a beautiful guitar, I’m pleased with the AP70 AP guess stands for Alvarez parlor ..just want to let you know Brian, you are great instructor in that you enjoy sharing your wonderful gift of teaching us online. I think the way you take it slow gives not only beginners but advanced players more time to practice on the guitar as you move each part and explain each piece putting it all together.. by the time i get through some of your lessons, I’ve learned what you showed! Very fun and rewarding lessons thank you, John
Thank you Brian.
Great lessons! Sound tracks dont download on my android phone. Please help!
Thanks for putting the time and effort in again Brian.
That’s because they are zipped format - try finding an unzip app for your Android phone and you should be able to unzip the file.
Also an internet question, how do I remove or disable whatever is causing words I type in comments hyperlinked like I been noticing recently? See in this post “business cards” ?.. I want to stop that, any suggestions appreciated..tia, John
Say Brian, I’m using my AP70 this am and wanted to ask if any of your Alvarez guitars buzzed ? I believe I need to raise this new plastic bridge or replace it with a custom bone bridge I might consider making myself out of bone. Brand new out of the box the Coated D addarios that came with it( feel like heavy 12s) anyway, they are buzzing on the mid and upper frets, I can hear and see them.. I don’t want to file the frets but will likely raise the bridge by padding it higher using slither of business card.
John, that’s something on your browser - an ad plugin. Just download Google Chrome browser (it’s free) - and you should be fine.
John, in response to your other question - I haven’t noticed any buzzing with the Alvarez parlor guitar. You shouldn’t be getting any buzzing though. I’d have someone take a look at it. I
okay, thanks for the kind reply.. the “coupondropdown” bug is something other internet users are complaining aboutas well..I will figure it out even if I have to disable all my add ons using firefox.. the guitar can be remedied by someone I know fortunately! He explained maybe the frets need a bit of sanding but I wanted to check here first. Before I do attempt sanding,but firstI’m going to try new strings ( 12s) and pad the bridge slightly. No big deal,, I have a lot of guitars and this one is okay for the 330.00 i spent, got a nice hard shell case too for 40 dollars online too for it. Thanks again for the reply.. enjoying the lessons too!John
You have to be the best walking and talking advertisement for Alvarez Guitars - if there’s a better one, I’ve yet to see it.
Always great lessons! Thank you so much!
I learned a lot!
Thanks for the lesson Brian it is another excellent one. The jam tracks are a real bonus and great to practice with. Also I like the sound of the top E string on the Alvarez its got kind of a sweet tone. Can I ask what string set you are using?
D’addario medium gauge
Thanks for your reply - it figures I suppose. I’m so used to hearing light gauge on my guitar and never have tried medium which obviously have more sustain. Does fitting say 12 or 13’s to a guitar which came equipped with 11’s have any problems like not fitting on the nut very well and are they much more difficult barr and bend? I would really appreciate all input on this subject.
your guitar sounds great. don’t sand, use a jewelers clothe and lightly
polish the frets. this will remove any hiss…
love your lessons…
the tab for this lesson seems to be a bit wrong…
im a priemium yet cant find jams cept for the eric Clapton lesson….I go to activemelody .com…but never find lessons w/tab and jam session….other than this eric Clapton lesson….I must b doing something not right
seeing that I get the lessons yet not the tab and jam
@robi - they’re in the same place on all lesson pages. Over on the left-hand side. You have to be logged in to view them though. If they are only working on this lesson it makes me think you have a browser caching issue. Try clearing your cache and it should work ok.
thankyou I havemade mention of this in a recent say hi…please ignore it…..I m glad your there
so i can’t down load the actual video of the lesson
Great lesson. Can I download the actual video of this lesson? Thanks.
Hi Brian,
Just going back over EP015 Eric Clapton Style Acoustic Lead Guitar Lesson.
I cannot find the backing track with lead guitar part.
Can you help?
Love all the lessons, thank you!
Best regards
William Carr
is it possible to put the chords on top of the tablature as well?
You are by far the most detailed guitar teacher on the planet. Superb videos,easy to use website and lessons for all levels. I am a pretty well rounded intermediate player and you have helped me more than personal lessons and numerous websites. I have struggling for 40 years on and off with the instrument and you have made it fun again. Much thanks ! Paul
p.s. Any bluegrass flat picking lead lessons in the near future ?
see my old posts from 2013,, these are great old tutorials,, as for my AP70 post i reread here,, i still have it and enjoy it a lot. never needed fret work polishing /filing etc. think the fret touching/buzzing the open G string if i remember but it must of fixed/aged /remedied itself..remember taking out the business card slithers i thought might raise the original strings D’ addario coated strings it came strung with.. think it just needed a few seasons because this AP70 is a gem and plays great..removed those slithered card shims from under bridge , it tunes well and no more buzzing..well made guitar too.. I been using elixirs forget what they are maybe 11s 12s but will likely try 10s next time i restring .. tonight..just finished ep 014 going to now do this ep 015 again.. remember doing these lessons back in 2013 and find now it is a lot easier naturally .
almost got this one nailed, thanks Brian
This the best teaching video serious on the web. I’ve learned more in the last two days than since I started trying to play the guitar .Early this morning 9/26/18 I ordered a Alvarez AP66SHB Parlor Sunburst. This was before I started watching the acoustic lessons. Again the best guitar learning site on the web.
Great lessons Brian, you have restored my interest in playing, Cheers kit bailey ,Australia
Hi Brian, I am just going back in time and looking at your earlier AM repertoire, you have so many compositions that I find extraordinarily stunning…I could spend the rest of my days noodling them…Thank you.
Been working Clapton for so long
Your numerous lessons of Clapton has helped my blues playing immensely and much more
It’s great and fun
Thank you Brian