In this week’s guitar lesson, you’ll be learning a fun bluegrass lead that includes elements of country and blues as well. This lesson serves 2 purposes. 1) You’ll learn several new licks and how use them when improvising. 2) You’ll learn a couple of fast runs that are designed to help improve overall speed and coordination. Much more fun than practicing a boring a drill 🙂
Part 1 - Free Guitar Lesson
Part 2 - For Premium Members
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Slow Walk-Through Video
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Video Tablature Breakdown
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MAN OH MAN Brian! Simply an excellent lesson for any skill level player,, it is a great song and sounds so cool,,looking forward to start this tonight into the weekend!..I was practicing ep233 tonight but this is so cool.. will work on both this weekend! Thank you for sharing your talent for AM members!! You always make us better guitar players! CHEERS!
Ive been a Premium member for a while and have been very happy with it !! Heck id pay 10.00 bucks a month just to hear ya play !!!
Holy cow Brian! This one will be a real challenge but that’s good right? This will be a tune that I will add to my list so that when some says “play something” I will pull this one out and WOW the crowd! LOL
Just beautiful! I want to learn it ASAP.
This is a cracker! I can’t wait to get started on this one (decorating will have to wait!) but I know it will take a good few hours to master those runs.
Thanks once again Brian. The range of styles that you serve up for tuition is awesome!
Hi Brian, I just love the way you keep bringing out lessons that are so inspiring.I don’t have the ability that many of your students have to learn and play them within a week or two but that doesn’t matter as I feel myself improving all the time.
I have a request though, is it possible for you to include the notes on the treble clef along with the tabs as that would remind me of the timing when I am, not near my computer.
Sorry, we always want more, don’t we?
Regardless of your answer, I will keep plucking on with enthusiasm 🙂
Nigel you can get that and print it out by using the SoundSlice views of Taband musical notation.
Best of luck
Thank you Johnstrat.Yes I will give it a go but will have the hassle of piecing several bits together as I don’t think my capture program will be able to get it in one shot.
OK that has been done .After downloading a free desktop publishing program it was relatively simple.
Hi Brian this looks tobe a particularily useful lesson to master…from the master.
Best regards
Hi Brian, thanks for this amazing lesson. Sounds very cool, and is probably a real challenge to master. Can’t wait to give it a try. Thanks again for sharing this with us, it will be very helpful for players of all levels.
Best Regards, Andreas
Sounds more western swing than bluegrass to my ears…..
Great Lesson Brian. I can’t wait till I can play this well.
Ray P
That is really cool! Thanks Brian
Brian, Like the break down in the chord progression, nice you pointed out the A majors relative minor.. which is the F minor.. In the Key of A off the open 1st position,, i play diatonic major minor bar chords up the fret board to the relative F minor barred off the 9th fret.. In Modal terms the Major 1st Ionian (in this song Key of A major 6th Aeolian which is minor,, so I gather playing any key starting off from a Major (Ionian,which is a major scale) count up to the sixth chord and it will always be the relative of that chord.. in this case F minor is the relative chord to A major
I meant the F# minor
I have yet to check out this weeks lesson, but I just wanted to say that if your thinking about signing-up for Active Melody guitar lessons, this is the real deal! I have taken several online lessons and bought just about every guitar book ever published and nothing has “clicked” with me more than Active Melody and Brian’s teaching style. Lessons are designed for specific purposes and very well communicated. There are easy/ beginner lessons, but the intermediate lessons can be a bit challenging, which is why they are so good. This is how you learn. They are taught slowly, but you need to know around the fretboard. Not overly do, but just a bit. I can’t say how happy I am to have found Brian and Active Melody! Give it a try! It’s legit, quality instruction and the cost of membership is a bargain! Thanks Brian!
Thanks Jeff – very nice of you.
Snap or Ditto as you say in U.S.A
Absolutely a winner! Love this! Will learn this -priority number one! Merry Christmas
Brilliant lesson Brian!
Have you ever thought of doing some complete performances just for us to listen to as opposed to actual lessons? Would be great to hear! And we could always try and learn them too!
Very best wishes to you and yours for the festive season!
Andrew and Jane
Hey Andrew – good to hear from you. I never think to video anything when I play for fun. I might have to try that 🙂
Hey Brian, having been a subscriber and huge fan for nearly 3 years, I absolutely agree with stratplus66. We’d love to hear you just jammin’! Thanks again for providing such consistent, challenging, inspiring lessons.
Oh yeah, and more bluegrass lessons, please!
Brian: Can you tell me a little about the Martin you are playing. What model is it? What is the pickup system? Thanks, Ted
Wow Brian! Another great lesson I can’t wait to try. I am trying to work on my speed and this will be really helpful for me. Have a great Christmas!
I’ll certainly ave to break this down in small sections and memorize the entire lesson before attempting this speed..lot to memorize, good speed lesson!
Thanks! This was a lot of fun to play. I’m not a speed demon either so I’m also at the edge of my comfort zone. It’s great you have the slower jam track available, but just speaking for myself, I enjoyed the challenge of playing along with your video… I REALLY enjoyed this. I’ve been listening to Grateful Dawg for last few days & trying to pick apart Jerry’s guitar so this one was absolutely perfect… Thank You
what a great trip around the fret board this lesson was i found it a bit challenging but nailed the slow version going to have to up my game for the fast one ,
is that minor scale pattern in part one (played over the f sharp minor) taught on your site in the lessons with the other scale lessons?
Thanks for the slow jam track! This would be a great feature to include for all lessons.
You are the best. Thanks so much for all your excellent instruction!
Brian, This is awesome!! Thank you for another great lesson
Very nice, i’m eager to learn this. The overall melody sounds like that beautifull song “You are my sunshine”,, which i really love. Thanks.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are grey” etc.
Reminds me of Pure Prairie League…………Well done Brain.
Hello Brian. I just got through part 1, what fun, and I’m looking forward to get familiar with the rest of this. So many great lessons here all so well presented and informative. I highly suggest your site to other players I know and thank you for another great lesson!
Ok, full disclosure. I’m an engineer and maybe (haha) a little OCD, so I have a tendency to learn things note for note. Brian’s teaching has shown me the beauty of little variations that come naturally when play on instinct. He play’s measure 30 differently in three different places and of course, all three variation sound cool. I’m learning to appreciate these instead of thinking of them as mistakes. I think it’s true that a true blues should never be played the exact same way twice. Completely love this lesson, but my wife is begging me to play something different. She’s the crazy one…..I dont think 100 times in a row is obsessive 🙂
just told my wife to get ready for some bluegrass haha
Just started this lesson and what fun to play!! Great lesson indeed for syncing your left and right hand. I always like the option to follow the online tab and slow it down. Thanks again Brain for this lesson I have never regret becoming a premium member.
OMG! Brian! I learned it all! Both parts: lead and rhythm! I need to tighten it up with practice to be good, but I actually got it! Thanks, man! I been home a lot fighting a bacterial infection in my colon (thanks to the Endocrinologist!!! GRRR!) so I have had time to work on this. At first I just thought, “Oh! Crap! Brian has lost his mind if he thinks we are going to follow this act!” But with patience, and patience, and patience, and practice and more practice? Well, Brian knew exactly what he was doing for us when he threw this little gem out there! Keep ’em comin’, Brian. You are earning your pay this time, brother! (But, please, buddy! Next time, don’t make it look so simple and easy, huh?)
This is a top 10 for me. Thank you and Happy New Year.
I have ben a premium member for quite a while now and I find this lesson one of the most challenging and possibly the most satisfying.
I am almost reluctant t o ask for more like this! 🙂
Very nice , melodic and challenging, well done.
how do you feel about fingerpicking or highbred picking this ?
I love this blues lead, i’M trying My best to learn a.
This is just great. Please do more like it! Thanks.
, my first lesson after joining, learning a ton of theory on this one, really great! love it! are the tabs wrong at measure 28? I thought it should be a 11 instead of a 9, half way through the measure, but its ok, I got it. thank you Brian, you make learning easier.
lol ,that one note in the second run was screwing me up from the tabs , till I realized you played it on a different string . cool lesson as always
very good lesson to improve my speed nice melody Brian